
Let’s talk supply chain and logistics management with Professor Caroline Chan

Caroline Chan from RMIT University’s School of Business IT and Logistics speaks of the growing need for skilled, knowledgeable and qualified supply chain and logistics management professionals.

The master's program is both industry-relevant and recognised, of which you can utilise within the local sector as well as on a global level. Find out more by watching the video below.

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Hi, my name is Caroline Chan and I am an Information Systems Professor and the Head of School of the School of Business IT and Logistics at RMIT University.

I am delighted to finally be able to offer you one of the top RMIT programs, Master of Supply Chain and Logistics Management in an online mode.

What makes supply & logistics management so exciting?

Logistics and supply chain management is a growing field in the global economy. We need logistics and supply chain professionals in many sectors of the economy, not only wholesale and retail – an area which you are familiar with – but also in transport, shipping, ports, maritime, manufacturers, postal, tourism, construction and any sector delivering products and services. 

Around the world, logistics and supply chain management is among the top employment growth areas. In Australia, it is among the top 10 growth areas and in Asia, where the economy keeps growing, there is a significant shortage of supply chain professionals. There is more than ever, the need to upgrade and upskill the existing supply chain and logistics workforce.

What makes this program so relevant?

The advancement of digital technologies, such as the rise of omni-channels in retail logistics, the Internet of Things and Industry 4.0, 3D printing technologies and more importantly the availability of data and information like never before, have transformed the conventional supply chain management operations and practices in many different ways.

If you look at the complexities and operational challenges of companies, like Walmart, Amazon and Zara, one thing in common is these businesses rely on their advanced supply chain operation to stay competitive.

The RMIT supply chain and logistics programs are designed with these 21st century business challenges in mind – with industry input and accredited by two global most reputable professional bodies, the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT) and the Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply (CIPS). Once completing the program, you will be able to apply for their membership and be part of the professional community.

Why are RMIT graduates sought after?

RMIT has the largest supply chain and logistics program in the country, graduating more than 700 students each year. The School of Business IT and Logistics is also the winner of AFLAS (Asian Freight, Logistics and Supply Chain) award for the Best Logistics Education Provider in 2015.

Supply chain at RMIT is about industry engagement, a trademark of RMIT for over 100 years. We design our programs ensuring students are ready for work and life when they graduate. Our academics are passionate in delivering the best industry-based student experience, and they undertake research to tackle supply chain challenges in industry.

Who should study this program?

The courses in the logistics program integrate theories with practice with a significant portion of work-integrated learning, solving real-life logistics problems. If you are already in the logistics and supply chain sector, this program will allow you to upskill and expand the currency of your knowledge in the field.

If you are looking for a change in career, this program will provide you with the skills, knowledge and perspectives for your new limitless career. Or, if you are looking to bring your career to the next level, this business program will give you the essential business and operation management skills, and at the same time, you can pick up specialised skills such as project management and business analytics.

When you study with us for a Master of Logistics Management, you will have access to a variety of resources, such as library, career guidance, mentorship and access to business start-up programs. But most importantly, you will enjoy the extensive support provided by our staff and the expansion of your skills, knowledge and business networks.

I'm looking forward to seeing you in the program – all online.

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